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Lazy-loaded Queries

Relay's useLazyLoadQuery API let us defer loading queries until a component is mounted. To render a loading state while the query is pending the docs recommended adding a <Suspense> boundary. Next.js and relay-nextjs both expect to be able to render on the server and as of the time of writing React Suspense does not support server rendering. When using withRelay and usePreloadedQuery we take care of adding the <Suspense> boundary for you but we cannot here.

To use useLazyLoadQuery and render a <Suspense> boundary you must create a dynamically rendered component that skips SSR. For example:

// src/components/user_stats.tsx
import type { userStats_Birthday } from 'queries/__generated__/userStats_Birthday.graphql';
import React, { Suspense, useCallback } from 'react';
import { graphql, useLazyLoadQuery } from 'react-relay';

function UserBirthday({ uuid }: { uuid: string }) {
const query = useLazyLoadQuery<userStats_Birthday>(
query userStats_Birthday($uuid: ID!) {
user(id: $uuid) {
{ uuid }

return <div>Birthday is {query.user.birthday}!</div>;

function UserStats({ uuid }: { uuid: string }) {
return (
<Suspense fallback="Loading...">
<UserBirthday uuid={uuid} />

export default UserStats;

Note that we have two components here: one that has a <Suspense> boundary and one that actually calls useLazyLoadQuery. If these two were merged into the same component there would be no boundary to catch useLazyLoadQuery suspending!

To render this component use the Next.js dynamic API:

// src/pages/user_profile.tsx
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';

const UserStats = dynamic(() => import('components/components/user_stats'), {
ssr: false,

function UserProfile({ uuid }: { uuid: string }) {
return (
{/* ... */}
<UserStats uuid={uuid} />