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First check out the Relay docs and the Relay prerequisites. Then make sure you are ready with each of the following.

A Next.js project using Page Router


relay-nextjs does not support Nextjs 13 App Router at the moment.

See GitHub issue #89 for more info.

relay-nextjs is meant to integrate the Relay framework with Next.js. If you're not using Next.js you don't need this project. The rest of this guide will assume your project is using TypeScript and the page to your pages is src/pages.

Relay generates artifacts in a single directory. To avoid traversing directories as much it will be helpful to configure TypeScript with the following baseUrl:

// tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./src"

A GraphQL API and Schema

Relay uses a GraphQL API to fetch data and compiles queries against a GraphQL schema. This guide assumes a local schema (a .graphql file). To set up Relay with a remote schema please see the Relay Compiler docs.